Our mornings are bad too. DD, age 8, has severe ADHD and her meds don't kick in until around the time she gets to school, or a half hour later. Her younger brother doesn't have ADHD but has some organizational issues (probably related to his dyspraxia) and between the two of them and their goofing around, it makes me want to scream and pull out my hair. The neighbors have witnessed me on the driveway by my car screaming at my children as they are running in circles through the yard. It is especially bad in winter when they have to have boots, gloves, hat, scarf, snow pants, coat, etc. etc. Since she throws this stuff all around sometimes we can't even find it. She is continually going to school without her glasses and then I get a call saying to bring them in because she can't see anything.

The school marks kids tardy if they show up even 10 seconds after the bell rings. The second the bell rings they lock the doors. Too many tardies and they call CPS for educational neglect.

One thing I do is let her sleep in her clothes. It sounds ridiculous, but she doesn't seem to care and at least I don't have to worry about clothes in the morning. Unless her clothes get dirty, I let her wear the same outfit for two days. Give me the mom of the year award. Her hair is super curly with ringlets popping out of her head in every direction and she looks like a ragamuffin most of the time.