Mine is not an introvert, Aquinas, but is highly verbal and began having "group" issues in Bible class at 8 mo. The other children grabbed at him and babbled. He used words and was truly frightened and horrified at their interaction. It was really hard at that point because we couldn't reason through it together.

It has been a long road to 7yrs old and we did have to make careful choices in friends and sometimes environments. Both of us prefer to avoid crowds. Smaller groups work better. For my child, getting involved with a MOMS club (Moms Offering Moms Support--stay at home mother group) and finding other bright children with ATTENTIVE parents helped the most.

The other mothers bridged the development gaps when my son verbalized his needs to their children and theirs did not respond. I really think the key is the other parents at this age. Some are working hard on socializing and training their children well.... others just want a break and tune out.

I agree with Portia though that this improves as the NT kids begin to develop more.

Last edited by HappilyMom; 10/12/13 08:38 AM. Reason: typo