Originally Posted by Mk13
his lazy eye self-corrected itself within a few months. He was still struggling with some residual tortocollis issues back then and weak muscle strength on the affected side but as we worked on that in his PT and OT, the eye issues corrected themselves too.

The problem with amblyopia isn't the muscle control. It is that if the eyes aren't working together or one of them is doing its own thing, then the brain learns to disregard information coming in from that eye.

My right eye stopped drifting when I was young after extended all-day patching. That strengthened the muscles, but the coordination between the eyes and how the brain handles input from my right eye was never corrected. This is why the modern patching routine is for only a couple of hours a day or using dilating drops. Example, if I try to read with just my right eye, I read about 1/3 the rate I do with my left eye. Everything is quite clear, but the words don't stay still and are hard to keep visually in order.

A casual covering of the good eye while he tries to do something visual with the lazy eye, might give you a quick insight into whether the issue is along those lines.