Originally Posted by polarbear
Mk13, I think there are probably quite a few possible reasons that this happens - I have two kids who were just like this at his age - two kids with two very different challenges! My dd with the vision issues, for sure! But also my ds with dyspraxia - same thing - and he's never had vision issues at all.

Do you think there's a chance you could find a regular eye dr who will do some of the same types of evals that DOs do? FWIW, after our dd had her first DO eval, we were talking about it at school and I found out our school's librarian had convergence insufficiency and was doing many of the same type of exercises my dd did in VT - but she had her diagnosis and treatment through her regular eye dr.


DS5 handles any eye doctor visits really poorly. He's super light sensitive so once it got to the doctor just shining a big of light into his eyes, his SPD kicked in and we were done. So I'm not sure how much we can even get checked out. He had a big of a lazy eye when he was a toddler so had his eyes dilated when he was about 3 years old and it was a total nightmare. He would not sit still for a second to do anything. He is the same child we are concerned about having dyslexia so I wonder if that too can be related in any way. His teacher is keeping an eye on that and said she will let us know by Thanksgiving (parent conferences) if she thinks we need to check more into dyslexia or other issues.
Or maybe he just can't see any single objects in that mid range distance because he's too focused on seeing EVERYTHING at once? It just gets really frustrating at times. It's like he's making fun of me not seeing what is right under his nose, but I know he's not doing it on purpose frown