Originally Posted by Mk13
hmm, I just read some basic info about dyspraxia (it's been a while since the last time I ready anything about it) and it fits him 99%! The only thing that is not correct for him is that he's very verbal and overall very good with the use of the language, great vocab, etc. But was quite speech delayed initially. But everything else is spot on for him. What specialist would we need to see for dyspraxia?

Mk13, one of the hallmarks of dyspraxia is that it impacts each individually in a very individual-specific sort of way. Most dyspraxic people do *not* have all the symptoms. My dyspraxic ds had great vocab and use of the spoken language - once he actually started talking, but he was speech delayed and never did any of the babbling etc that most young infants/toddlers do.

DS was diagnosed through his neuropsych eval (his actual diagnosis is "Developmental Coordination Disorder" but DCD and Dyspraxia are essentially the same thing. The other specialists we've seen have been OT for his fine motor challenges (associated with his dyspraxia) and an SLP for an expressive language disorder (which may or may not be technically related, but it feels like they are part of the same overall set of issues, just from my perspective as his parent smile ).

The other thing our neuropsych showed us was a chart which shows what a large amount of overlap in shared symptoms between Developmental Coordination Disorder, ADHD, and ASD.
