Originally Posted by puffin
I don't have much faith in the ruf levels though apparently they are skewed towards verbal. I estimated my son a 2/3 on the ruf levels (admittedly I only used the free stuff) when he is actually level 5.

I personally would look for a free play based preschool so he doesn't end up doing 2 years of learning stuff he already knows. Academic stuff can be covered at home. However I am biased as I live in a country where academic skills aren't taught until school at 5. On the other hand if there are gifted schools or you can afford a private school you think would be great now is the time to look round.

Everything Puffin said, except I live in a country where you have to seek out play based preschools. Ruf is just way off (I know many PG kids who still believe in Santa at age 7/8).