To me, he sounds like a wonderful, smart child. His puzzling skills do seem to be definitely above age-level. I would not harp on making your decision based on if he is gifted or not. Both gifted and non-gifted kids need and would benefit from an enriched preschool environment. Early childhood experiences and quality preschools do make a difference in the long run. If it were me, and my public school was not good, and IF we could afford a quality private preschool, I would go that route! Good luck! Keep finding fun puzzles for him!

ETA: Most preschools do list what they will be learning in the year (as many have mentioned). I would get a list from the schools. Many preschools spend a WEEK a letter which I can't even understand. I really really don't. But that should definitely help you figure out where he fits in and if a particular class would be a good fit. Good luck!

Last edited by GHS; 09/20/13 07:18 PM.