We've decided to send DD to a play-based preschool. We haven't found one yet but hopefully we will soon. We looked into a Montessori but her father was never 100% on board with the idea. He wanted DD to connect to other kids through play and have fun. I was okay either way but these days, I'm starting lean towards his side, especially after our favorite Montessori school raised tuition from $7000 to $10,000 for their half day (8:00 to 12:00), 9 months program. So what we're looking for now in a preschool is that they have 1) an awesome playground, 2) kind, experienced teachers, 3) no "academic" circle time, and 4) private bathroom stalls. Vegetarian lunch option would be super but that might just be asking too much.

We unschool academics at home. Basically, we let DD loose at libraries and bookstores. We do support her learning through discussions and getting her materials and equipments she wants within reason; I drew the line at setting up a chemistry lab but we're looking into a decent telescope for her.

We have no idea what we'd do with her after preschool but I try not to worry about that yet.