I honestly don't like the Ruf estimates either. DS3.5 came up as level 3 but I'm pretty sure he's more than that and DS5 came up 2/3 and I'm sure he's at least a solid 3 but they both took a hit on the score because of huge developmental asynchrony. DS3.5 was counting objects to 20 before he turned 2, started reading phonetically shortly after he turned 2 but is has a significant speech delay and it works against him. He'll close the door to his room and read out loud any children's book probably up to about late 1st / early 2nd grade level but his day to day communication is very limited. DS5 is our math / science / logic wizard but has zero interest in anything connected to reading. And both had physical delays when they were babies / toddlers so there are huge gaps in their development. So, it's nice to have at least know they do seem gifted even according to the Ruf estimate but I don't think the actual levels are corresponding to reality that much.