Thanks everyone for all the advice. I know our needs will change as she gets older. We started with a 2 week trial of Dreambox which has been perfect so far. The first time she tried it she wasn't so sure. The second time she liked it ok. A week went by before she used it again since she didnt request it and I wasn't around much to suggest it. The third time she was completely hooked and moving fast into obsession. I could hardly pull her away from it. It starts you back half a grade to be sure you don't have gaps so not sure if that is why she wasn't sure at first or if was just getting the hang of the mouse and games etc. In the next 5 days she flew through 95% of first grade and started on 2nd. It has been really fun to see her enjoy this actually since I never thought of her as that interested in math. To be fair, she never plays video games normally so perhaps that was some of the appeal as it is more like a game than a math program. I am worried though about comments that it changes after the early grades (not sure when) and no longer has the adventure park and fun missions and prizes etc. She will be crushed then.

I can see her moving up quickly for a while in the levels and then I am sure she will slow down. I alternate between enjoying her delight in learning something and my apprehension about what we will do later as she moves quickly ahead. I'm trying not to stress. I agree with other posts that have mentioned making sure of full mastery and speed/ease of basic math facts and I know some extra time can be spent there and on problem solving.