we did this exact thing as summer as prep for homeschooling! DD5 is quite mathy, but we'd never done anything at home outside of whatever comes up in conversation, so while i randomly know she can add fractions in her head... i figured we'd hit some gaps. i set her at Grade 1 in the DreamBox parent dashboard and she went hell for leather until her perfectionism kicked in somewhere in the middle of Grade 3 with some time and money stuff she'd just never seen.

it was SO useful. and aside from All The Fun Math, DD is keen on the rewards, too - there are fun little games the "work" part unlocks for you, but you have to spend your earned tokens to play them, so they're not unlimited. she also really likes having the ability to pause the lessons - because like she says, "online stuff that won't wait two seconds while i pet the cat drives me completely bananas."

all in all, she's having a great time, and i'll certainly keep it for her beyond the six months we signed up for... ha - if there's anything left of it by then, i guess!

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 08/21/13 07:05 PM. Reason: clarity!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.