I'm working on this year's edition of the resource book now. I hope to have it available online by the end of September. I'll let you know when it's available.

EPGY has an Open Enrollment program which is considerably less expensive than the traditional program. The tuition is $135 for ten months or $95 for five months with an initial registration fee of $25 dollars. If you renew before the end of the enrollment period, you don't have to pay the $25 fee again. I run an Open Enrollment group if you can't find one in your area and opt to go that route. Keep in mind though that the open enrollment version doesn't include instructional support, that will fall on you, and you don't receive a transcript.

You'll find mixed reviews of EPGY because it works great for some kids and not for others. You'll see the same for all the good online learning programs. You may find you have to try a few different options until you find what works best for your DD. Checking out what others have said in various threads here should help you narrow the field.