Awesome help and will keep checking for new recs. I saw alot of people mentioning their child doing EGPY but it seemed expensive and I wasn't seeing posts really describing it. I think Dreambox might be the way to go at least for a trial but will look at all the things mentioned. I am a little concerned that the school might actually do some assessment (likely wishful thinking that even informal assessment would be done) of her math and then she will be stuck doing 1st grade math all year because she misses a couple things when I know she could blast through a couple years worth if encouraged. At home we always figured that if she was happy playing dressup and drawing then why try to give her math to do when she is already ahead. In kindergarten they never seemed to do much "learning" anyway. Maybe they did a poll on what ice cream flavor they liked and made a graph and that sort of thing but they weren't worksheet heavy. I am assuming 1st grade will move to more structured learning and she will be bored silly. Thus I figure it is time to actually show her things she can learn... crazy concept.