My kids are both difficult in the mornings, too, as far as getting them focused and getting things done. DD is usually awake and cheerful, but then she wants to play, and talk, and pet the dog, etc., and I literally have to shepherd her from one task to the next. DS is everything but awake and cheerful, so I (again, literally) have to drag him out of bed and walk him through everything. We have backpacks ready the night before, so all they have to do is eat and brush teeth and hair, DD gets dressed, and, stupid as this sounds, I generally put DS(10!)'s shoes on his feet while he's eating because it's just too time-consuming to get him to do it. Helicopter shoe mom, that's me.

This morning, moments before the bus came into sight, DS had to run back to the house to use the bathroom because his tummy was upset. So DH had to run him to school and he ended up with his second tardy in two weeks.