Originally Posted by ultramarina
ElizabethN, I didn't realize we has the same age spread with our kids. smile One thing I had forgotten is how tired they are after kindy (my son is in full-day). He normally does not say he is tired, but has been complaining of fatigue since school started and comes home pretty spent. I totally get it being hard to move bedtime earlier, but you might consider for a bit at the start of school.

Side note: Our son's first grade is from 8:30-2. The director of the charter said that they have learned that youngsters generally don't concentrate very well if expected to be in school past that time.

Contrasting this with last year at the public school in which DS was first enrolled...Kindergarten from 8-2:45.

I really wonder if these little ones, gifted or otherwise, just need more "downtime"? I call for a Siesta! smile

It was my husband's and my observation that our DS was tired enough coming home from a short day Kindergarten at the private school we moved him into (8-11:45). He bounced back after a few hours relaxing at home, however.