When the girls were younger we had a strict 8:00pm bedtime. Now they are old enough to be involved in activities and sports that sometimes run late, so we shoot for 8:00-8:30pm when we can. They get up at 6:40am to get ready for school. We sometimes let them stay up later on weekends, but not always.

There are times they are still awake at 10:30-11:00pm, just laying in bed, singing, playing, or talking to themselves or their stuffed animals. Most nights they are out within 30 minutes of going to bed.

They used to get up many times to ask questions, get a drink, complain about an ache/pain that just mysteriously appeared after they got into bed, etc. They have outgrown that or we finally got through to them to stop getting out of bed - thank goodness!

Both girls can and will sleep in on the weekends if we let them, but then they will want to stay up later on those nights. DD9 can sleep in until 10:30-11:00am, whereas DD7 may sleep in until 9:00-9:30am at the latest. I was a big sleeper when I was a pre-teen/teenager and could easily sleep in until noon if allowed to. I always said I was making up for the little sleep I got when I was a baby/toddler, since my parents told me I didn't ever sleep more than 30 minutes at a time until I started Kindergarten.

Both girls gave up naps about the time they turned 3-4 years old and it didn't really seem to bother their temperaments at all. It was actually much worse on them and us trying to get them to take a nap or at least lay down and rest, than it was to just give up the naps!