DS6 is our sleeper. He goes up about 8, reads until 9 and sleeps until 7:30 or 8. (We don't leave for school until 8:30, so this works for us.)

DD4, starting K, does best with 11 - 12 hours. In bed at 7, out by 7:05 and up around 6:45. She needs more sleep than she likes to get. And like someone else's little one, if she's in bed on time she falls asleep no prob, but if she goes up 20 min late she might come down for the next 60 - 90 min, driving me crazy, since I know she'll be a wreck the next day. With her starting all day K, I'm sure she'll be worn out like her brother was and plan to have her up to bed a few minutes earlier... Which does rush the evening dinner/bath/bed routine.

Our youngest (3) is on a similar schedule to her sister.

Mk13 -- I do not know how you are doing it!

Last edited by mama2three; 09/02/13 08:54 PM.