We have DD9 in camps, but after a couple of disasters last year agreed (with her) to only have her in camp every other week, and only to have her in camps that she chooses (actually that sounds like we weren't having her choose before, which isn't correct; just that she developed a very strong dislike last year of some camps that before she had put up with--like tennis, which I think she would enjoy except that by Summer down here it's about 90 degrees by 11, and all the courts were outdoors and she hated that--which I would too. but anyway...) The camps around here vary a lot, so it took a little trial and error to find the ones that had a style that fit, but they're not billed as inclusive or as being for 2e kids, they just happen to have the 'right' approach. I don't know how you could ever figure that out beforehand but maybe having a long conversation with the camp director--although that might scare them off or of course turn out to be inaccurate.

On the weeks when she's been home, we have pretty flexible hours and I work from home a lot of days so it's kind of working out so far, but I think it might be more fun for her if we had a sitter to take her more places or do more stuff directly with her during the day. Maybe you could find a college kid during the Summer--didn't somebody post on here once about how college students who are education majors sometimes have a lot of interest in working with gifted or 2e kids? Also a couple of the families at DD's school have au pairs during the year and that seems like it might be a good option if you get a good fit.

Sorry you're having difficulty right now; I hope it gets better!

Last edited by Dbat; 07/18/13 09:03 AM.