I am soooo stressed right now! We are trying to empty out our house so we can put it on the market, and buy a new house, which is super stressful as it is. So, of course, on top of that, DS9 appears to be working on getting kicked out of daycamp at the YMCA! He's been HITTING people!! I know the Y isn't the most ideal situation for him, but it's honestly been the most flexible and best camp we've found and now he's doing this. Arg! It's like, what do other 2e working parents DO all summer?? I cannot be the only person in this situation!

I'm working on trying to find a part-time nanny for when school starts, since DS got kicked out of the after school program... that's going to cost me like twice as much $$. I really feel like the nanny could be a really good thing for DS though. Someone consistant who is there just to focus on him and DD7. She(he) can take them to the park after school, help with their homework... and I can sign them up for music lesssons/gymnastics and she can take them. It will be good.. I am just stressing about finding someone who clicks with DS and has the patience to deal with him!

For those of you who work, what do you do with your 2e kids all summer??
