Thanks, momoftwins. I am hoping it is just a normal phase for any six year old! Holidays are worse, I suppose. He is really big on routine. We have been doing activities everyday, but they may only last two hours- there's more hours in a day than that lol. He has a trampoline, but he doesn't have much interest in it, only occasionally.

He does a lot of sport at school, and on Saturdays he has basketball. He has made a leap athletically in the past month, maybe it could be that. He made a big leap mentally in March. Actually, when I think about it, he's had a big year for every kind of growth, including a huge growth spurt, too. Though, they don't coincide with this moody change (except for the athletics part- does anyone know anything about that?).

He will he seven in September; maybe this will stop on his birthday laugh

Thanks for your advice, everyone. It's nice to have somewhere to share feelings and stuff :P