DS20mo just decoded his first word today!!

We were watching "Between the Lions" together and sounding out a few of the harder words when "hot" appeared on the screen and he blurted out "HOT! h-o-t"--before the show or I could read it. (I just love how he sounded it out loud *after* saying the word, as if wanting to prove, "hey, I know how this phonics stuff works!")

He was clearly thrilled to crack the word and ran around the house chirping "hot: h-o-t!" for a full 15 minutes. Of course I made a big deal of it, complete with a goofy happy dance. Grandparents were also called, and he told Grandma "I read hot!" proudly. The achievement is quite a breakthrough, as he's been sounding out letters for several months but, more than that, I love his satisfaction and excitement!! Way to go DS, you little firecracker!

ETA: He read several other words throughout the day-- he seems to be enjoying himself.