Our personal experience is that seeing Shakespeare done well is a totally transformative experience-- our entire family loves the Bard. DD and I were pretty much gobsmacked and geeking out in a MAJOR way during her school trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon... we even stroked the original flagstone floors in his childhood home. blush

My brag for the week:

DD has two posters, a sewing project and several other static exhibits going to state fair this year, and will also take the Shetland Sheepdog for novice obedience. In the Senior division-- and she just turned 14, so most of her "competition" is +3y and in some cases as much as +5. Oh, and her public speaking, too-- she is giving a talk about acoustics at state fair, too.

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.