Meanwhile, the high school is rumbling about changing to integrated math courses, with no indication of timeline. Whatever else it is, this change seems likely to be an operational nightmare. The math classes in the high school appear to be thorough, if not always inspiring, so this seems like willful descent into chaos. I mostly feel like rolling my eyes and running away...
That said, I'm sure that there *must* be good integrated math courses, even if the track record has typically been poor in the US. Does anyone have a recommendation for a really excellent integrated math curriculum?
Could you explain what "integrated" means in this context?
I vaguely recall seeing something about the Algebra I, Geometry, Albegra II sequence being reconstituted into a 3 year sequence with both subjects in each year. Is that what you mean by "integrated"?
It's not necessarily a bad idea, but I can easily see schools making a dog's breakfast of the transition.
I don't see anything in the Common Core Math standards that say how the High School topics are to be covered by year, though I didn't look too hard. thought the idea of the Common Core standards was to have national (USA) standards instead of a mish mash of state and local standards. I don't see how it could be an excuse for watering down gifted programming.