so this seems like willful descent into chaosNo, no, no. It's a willful descent into
mediocrity. It only looks like chaos because you're fighting the idea.

Seriously, about your question? I think that you have to look at older material and college textbooks once you're past algebra I now. Up to then, the material in use for pre-algebra and algebra I seem reasonable, but the primary math courses like "EveryDay Math" are
abominations.We've seen some of the Common Core 'Course Three' materials this year as the rollout starts. So Pearson's course sequence used to be... Course 1, Course 2, Pre-algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II...
Now, apparently, "Course 3" is-- I guess?-- envisioned to take the place of Pre-algebra, which would be great... but...
that book quite honestly, er-- sucketh MIGHTILY.
I have no idea if "Algebra I" is also to undergo revision next biennium as well. But Course 3 is so bad that even my DD can see how pedagogically flawed it is as she works with students in that sequence (through geometry).
It is quite possible that that course is being used as "pre-pre-algebra" for kids who need the reinforcement, but it's a horrific mishmash of concepts without any narrative or theoretical ties from one set of concepts to the next, and it seems to borrow from ALL of the other courses. Exposure without learning, basically.