THIS mess [overuse of acceleration] is what Professor Wu was getting at, NOT gifted students.
But, how do you know this? An article by Wu was extensively discussed in another thread.
http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....mon_Core_Mathematics_bac.html#Post172905He could have articulated what you said, but it's very clear that he didn't. Numerous people, on this forum and elsewhere, are reporting that gifted programming is being shut down, with Common Core being given as the pretext. The designers of Common Core Math, who are on record with their anti-acceleration message, must have known this would happen. They must have known that they could have chosen to protect an appropriate participation rate in accelerated programming, if only they gave a more nuanced message about what degree of acceleration was needed for what proportion of students, but they chose not to, with the predictable result that many children have had the brakes put on their education.