Originally Posted by MumOfThree
My thoughts? I've asked my DH to send it to his mum, who he finally told about the ADHD and medication after nine months of gratin her terrible negative reaction (which he was right about). That's our journey.

If it was (mild) Asthma and you'd tried OT and physio and diet and swimming (and, and, and), and it still wasn't enough for them to participate fully in life, do you send your kid out into the world and say "Well it's not bad enough to kill her and medication is evil, so she can just stay like this and manage..."

And before anyone says "but Asthma could still kill, even though for that person it's usually mild", ADHD sufferers are at risk of very serious consequences too (death by motor vehicle comes most immediately to mind).

I agree with all of this, and especially the bolded. (not that I have any personal experience with near death by motor vehicle. ahem.)