I am against meds. Always said I wouldn't medicate my kids unless they became violent. And then ... DS3.2 had to be on Zantac pretty much the first 12 months of his life due to severe silent reflux and DS4.9 won't sleep at night without a heavy dose of Melatonin and sometimes needs hydroxyzine to knock him out for the night (strong antihistamine used for allergies as well as anti anxiety medication) and as of last week he's on regular allergy meds twice a day (found out he's not only severely allergic to certain foods but also has a very strong allergy to trees, grass, molds, dust mites, cats, dogs, you name it he's go it). And we thought we were done. Than last week he started developing asthma (thanks to the crazy delayed spring season when now EVERYTHING is blooming) and on Saturday I watched him go in some sort of asthma attack / anaphylactic shock (not sure which one yet, but for sure caused by the tree pollen concentration) so now we are looking into more meds. As much as I hate it, I'd rather have my son on regular medication that "may" change his mood than watch him stop breathing like he did on Saturday ever again. So, I'm against medication yet ready to medicate my child

I guess it comes down to the lesser of two evils?