Originally Posted by MumOfThree
I can't type more now, ill come back later, when i have time to type and to think about how much to share, but really I could have written that article. The passages that don't make sense to moomin make perfect sense to me...

And I think some of it comes down to having a fairly decently bahaved, very gifted girl child. She does not look like most people's idea of ADHD (including not looking in attentive because in a group scenario she's gifted enough not to need to have heard the teacher and well enough behaved to have looked like she was listening). But medication is quite literally a magic pill for her, with difference obvious to everyone. She herself was absolutely clear from the first day that she felt better, liked feeling better, wanted it to last.

But the judgement we face from school, teachers, family is constant and very very hard.
I was that girl. And I can say that I felt *more* myself on medication. I'm sorry you are being judged.