Ugh. Only about three weeks left of preschool, but DS is crying every morning before school, and sometimes now at dropoff (never used to happen). This isn't the way it's supposed to work. He just can't take it anymore. I wish anyone who doesn't believe that kids really care about boredom or that this is some red herring could hear him talk about this. As much I keep trying to convince myself that it's a social issue, or that he doesn't click with the teachers, or blah blah...I don't think so. He always says the same things, and he always has, and he's very clear and articulate. "I don't like school. I like playing on the playground and I like the centers, but I hate circle time and I hate the work we have to do. It takes too long and everything we have to do is so easy and boring. All my work is too easy for me and it's the same thing over and over. I never get to learn anything. Sometimes they let me do my math book, but not until I do the other work and then it's always time to do something else." This is harder than it sounds to watch because big tears are rolling down his face while he talks.