I'm sure their are others that can offer more advice. I will offer the advice of NOT doing what I did- which was rely on the school to recognize ds abilities and challenge him, even when I spoke to the teacher, things didn't get better. However, will black and white numbers, the principal is fully onboard with being helpful. I don't think the principal would have heard me otherwise. (Btw, I had emailed the principal before school had started, but I think she only saw thatds would act out if not stimulated.

I do know every situation is different. If you get a good teacher, it could be fine. It could be ok with new environment and learning social stuff.

For my ds, the teacher continually tried to make him fit into a kindergarten mold and didn't like his personality. It was a bad situation. Ds has definitely suffered emotionally because of it.

This may not help much, but that's our story (thus far). Good luck!