Have you met with the school yet? Have they assigned teachers for next year yet? Can you get some help from the GT coordinator even though they don't have any official for kindy?

We found it extremely helpful to start out asking for advice from the school GT coordinator (even though there was no official GT until 3rd at our school). She set up a meeting with the principal to discuss strategy, which basically involved picking out the right teacher who was very good at differentiation. The GT coordinator also ended up doing pullouts with my DS, but that was their idea after I offered to pay for online math.

As for differentiation for reading, I didn't worry to much about that in kindy as DS read a lot on his own and the teacher did in fact ask all kinds of questions that would hit kids at different ranges.

Another thought is to ask if they offer core classes at the same time as other grade levels. Even though going up a grade or two in a subject may not even meet your child's level, it's a lot closer and he might find company in some of the students. This didn't work out in our situation because of timing and also because our DS's writing was really bad and the school didn't want to deal with that. If there are handwriting issues, may be a good idea to work on that over the summer in case an acceleration opportunity comes up.

DYS was able to help us by talking with the GT coordinator, who was then able to understand how different a learner our kiddo was.