To be clear, I'm not going to go in right away with this. We'll see how it goes for a while. But I'm not going to make the same mistakes I did with DD. "Oh...we're only 4 weeks in...oh...we're only 6 weeks in...oh...well...they're busy with the holidays...well..."

Class size is below 20. Many kids will be at a very basic level, though--learning letters. It is a weird demographic mix. They do have a reading specialist, but she is paid for with Title 1 funds. There is recess and specials but not a lot of free play time, I suspect. Due to it being a Title 1 school and the demographics, a lot of time will be spent trying to get kids up to state standard.

I am totally NOT expecting a free private tutor!! I just want some ideas for things he can do while other kids are doing stuff he really, really, really knows how to do so that he does not comletely lose his marbles. He is highly self-directed and has a beautiful attention span. He can easily sit by himself and read or work on something alone. I will take that. I want to make it easier for them by having some ideas of what to suggest.