Sounds like we will be spending out summers doing VT bronalex. I sure hope we get great results!

After my other post about standing on his head, swinging, etc. I've been reading up on SPD. I like the Optometrist that we have been seeing but don't feel confident about her staff who seem to do quite a bit with the patients. We have a pediatric rehab place nearby with whom we did handwriting classes previously.

On their website they list working with Sensory Integration Disorder, ADHD, and the following:

Vision and Visual Rehab
Our therapists work with a
neuro-optometrist to help the child
with vision, perception, and ocular
motor control difficulties. This therapy
improves handwriting, copying skills,
and other visual activities.

They have an NeuroPsych on staff as well. However, this would not be a "gifted" specialist.

We have an ADHD diagnosis and suspected Dysgraphia. Am I missing something or could we do our vision therapy at the Rehab Center?