Thanks! Just got home from dinner after the two hour testing. It was pretty awful. Getting my highly hyperactive son to do testing for that long wore us both out. His hyperactivity was much worse under the stress.

I was often physically holding him to do the testing. He couldn't hold still and would impulsively push the buttons over and over when he wasn't trying to figure out how to work whatever equipment he was near or pulling my hair or leaning from side to side so hard I thought I would fall over. He also kept leaning forward, twisting, and standing on his head (literally!) in the chair. They were patient and kind and told him they were doing Ninja training but I thought we'd never get out of there.

What I noticed in the testing was that he found seeing with one eye only to be detestable and nearly impossible to tolerate. I asked him about it later and he said, "It was like losing half my vision!!" I told him that was useful information about his eyes because most people don't feel that same way. I said that his eyes were depending on each other more than usual. I told him we needed to help them get stronger so they could each do their own jobs by themselves. He is really enthusiastic about getting treatment and he really wants it to help his handwriting issues. We've been making a list of things we hope Vision Therapy might help with. (For motivation when things get trying later.)

It was really exhausting but he really wants some things in his life to be better so we are hopeful this will be a help. Clearly from the graphs I saw and how he responded, this is one of our major issues affecting life and making many situations unmanageable.

One more (even harder they say) round of 2hr testing to go to examine visual processing. We have a few weeks till then to rest up.