Hey, gang. I feel it's time to post as "me , the really weird kid" vs. DD9's mom again. Confession time so that there's an example of the (completely strange but toothsome ) PG kid. I admit now, that that's who I was. I did skip four grades, went to university classes at eleven, " ahem" went from "I know it's how it's done but REALLY there must be a better way" to having sex with 30-year -old -men at 13 to graduating high -school but my parents deciding I was to young for college but letting me go to Europe for four years alone, during which I ahd international reviews performing, went to University in France(both fancy and un-) and studied with very fancy folk, worked as a call girl in London then returned to the US, hung out in various ways, decided to go to graduate school so I'd better pick up a BA. (And a major international scholar on the way who let me ride along as cute young thing as he was doing the world scholar routine} did that in 2 years, got a full ride to an Ivy League Graduate school... and at 35 realized I needed a life (hence marriage, child, and so on).

As a brilliant therapist-astrologer said to me at (? 13?) "You'll always be weird, so get used to it!"

As I rant, what I really want to get across is: your kids will always be weird, so help them be who they are!"