Originally Posted by newtothis
Or, if he's happy, I guess I should assume the rest is good...or not...!

Yes, but how do you KNOW if he's happy or not? I need a checklist - mine is "happy" in that school is "good" or "fine" but the exciting and fun times are recess, PE, Art, Music. He can't (won't talk about, does't understand,didn't learn anything, learned too much?? ) tell me what he learned - it's "I don't know". Specific questions get me nowhere. I asked what he'd like to see changed in school and I got "I wish it started later", "I wish there were more games and toys to choose when I finish my work", and "I'd like to brush my teeth after lunch". Is this normal for a 6 YO boy? Who knows! I can't decide if he is happy or not, it's a nightmare merry-go-round (or maybe it's one of those rides where the bottom drops out and you're stuck to the wall by centrifugal force?). Is he/isn't he? Maybe I need a daisy! Frustration reigns supreme here.

Last edited by squirt; 04/29/08 04:26 PM. Reason: fixed a typo (no perfectionism here!)