I am in agreement with everyone here in that grade skipping is multi-faceted. One issue that hasn�t been mentioned here recently is eventual college admissions. My son dreams of attending a particular one which is listed in the top ten for most selective colleges. It�s not the prestige that interests him, but rather the focus of the school. I have recently read that colleges generally do not give special consideration for high accomplishments attained before the usual age.

My gut feeling is that DS11 will be a stronger candidate if we keep him at grade level (7th next year) while moving him to a very rigorous school which only attracts and accepts high achieving students instead of accepting the offer to skip him into a regular (meaning no AP courses) high-school as a freshman next year.

Since he did not receive accelerated math as early as he needed, he has only been instructed through pre-algebra. Either school will allow him to start out with Alg1 next year, but I don�t think they would feel comfortable with him skipping it (pre-algebra would have been the one to skip). So, if he entered 9th grade, he would only have three additional years left before college to get through (honors) geometry, algebra 2 and pre-calc/trigonometry. By staying in grade at a preparatory school, he will get those plus AP statistics and AP calculus before high school graduation.

In our particular situation, an additional grade skip (or two) would have been advantageous in the earlier grades, but somewhat of a penalty if taken now.