I say go ahead and facilitate contact when it is convenient. Try to keep the lines of communication open with her, and chaparone as appropriate.

My now 17 year old PG daughter was really quite lonely in middle school. She had some friends, but they were not her "peers". Then she found an online group with Cogito, and that helped. But it still wasn't real, face to face contact. She only really found others like herself when she went to THINK (and still has weekly phone calls with a boy she met there, although she says he is only a friend). But the other day we were chatting, and she commented that so far she has only met 3 people she could really see herself having any kind of a successful relationship with. One someone she met on Cogito, and the boy from THINK, and another student on her robotics team that she has known since K (not completely her peer intellectually, but as close as she has at school). The odds ARE low for our kids to find an "other". As long as the relationship is not taking her in unhealthy directions, I say go ahead and allow/facilitate as you can.