I am seeking advice on how to support my dd with regard to relationships. She just turned 13 yo, and recently scored at DYS/SET levels on the SAT. Over the last couple of summers, she has developed a friendship with a boy, at a very rustic residential summer camp. This boy lives in a nearby city, about 150 miles away. We traveled over the recent winter break to that city so that the two kids could get together. Dh and I spent the day with the kids, and then the evening at dinner at his home with his family. We were amazed to discover that not only is this boy incredibly sweet, but that he is also dd's intellectual peer, and has a loving, supportive family. And unlike the very bright university faculty spawn at the school dd attends, this boy is a true kindred spirit in his interests and disposition.

I thus suddenly find myself at a complete loss as to how to support dd, and I seek advice from those with similar experience. I am happy for dd on many levels, to have found a kindred spirit, to be attracted to an intellectual peer, to be smitten. But I never expected to be in this position when she is so young! Part of me wants to tell her to hang on to this boy for dear life, as who knows how long (college?) until she has a chance of encountering someone comparable. On the other hand, 13 yo is so young. She is just beginning to be interested in boys - not the right time to find THE ONE, right? It is a time for exploration...... And the other thing is that I never expected to be coordinating her personal life, but due to the distance she is dependent on us for face to face meetings. Ack!!

So we are arranging another meeting during spring break - his family will come to visit in our city.

Does anyone else out there have experience/advice for young teen pg romance??? Thanks in advance!