Originally Posted by master of none
I wonder how many kids are falling through the cracks? Anyway, just wanted to offer encouragement--not that you need any. You seem to be making a bee line through every obstacle toward a good path for your DS. He is so lucky to have you.

Seriously. Not to pat myself on the back too much (and not to villianize schools and teachers too much b/c how can they possibly be able to spot everything), but if it weren't for my almost obsessive persistance to get to the bottom of what was/is causing my DS' sturggles and acting out, my poor kid would right now very likely diagnosed with ADD (or ADHD) and some sort of autism (probably PDD-NOS) and no one would have realized he had a vision disorder, no one would have noticed the hypotonia. Just sayin'. I feel like I am almost there - I just have this nagging concern re dyslexia (or maybe just dysgraphia???)

But thank you so much. Because, often even my husband kind of looks at me like I'm a little nutso and says "just relax!"

Last edited by marytheres; 12/13/12 05:54 PM.