I looked around on the internet and it looks like he missed the cutoff for being "at risk" for both benchmarks by only one point (eg the cuttoff for being catagorized as "at risk" and recieving supports was 19 and DS scored a 20; same with the April Benchmark - at risk score was at 39 and below and DS scored a 40).

I know the Spec Ed and School PSych pulled his file and looked at all his testing before speaking with me about evaluating him for dyslexia/dysgraphia and I am wondering if this is why she was so willing to do the eval even though he is allegedly currently "reading above grade level" pursuant to the DRA assessments.

Sorry (LOL as I post to myself) ... I am thinking out loud and have no one to bounce this off of right now but y'all.. smile

Last edited by marytheres; 12/13/12 04:22 PM.