So, yeah. Those weren't the best life habits to develop.

I know, right?

The problem did not lie in being in regular classes either. By the time I was in secondary schools, I was in as differentiated a classroom setting as my city was able to provide. I think it was more of a problem like Zen Scanner said:
Being held up as an example of a good student based on grades when you are really a bad example with poor academic skills and just smart.

My sleeping problem probably wasn't actually just a habit (though I often describe it as such). As an adult I see a neurologist and manage it with therapies I learned doing research for my children. My pet peeve is that the behavior was ignored or outright encouraged when I was in school because of my grades. What kind of difference would it have made if the behavior had been identified as potentially life altering and efforts had been made to curtail or deal with when it emerged after puberty? I see this too much with my ds8. He displays numerous behaviors that will eventually be life-limiting for him as he gets into adulthood. But because he's smart and he's not too disruptive when he does them, they're fine. No problems at all.

Last edited by mgl; 09/10/12 11:03 AM.