Yeah, me too. Right now my child is being used as an "example" to the low-level U.S. history students assigned to the same teacher. Nice. THAT was one completely wasted hour.

She was literally the ONLY student asking on-topic questions and providing intelligent responses to the teacher's presentation (on class policies, evaluating sources and using MLA citations).

I know this because I'm sitting here next to her, listening in and watching her disgusted/horrified expression. Like this--


This is NOT a class switch that I'm very pleased with. Administration is probably going to hear from me on this one. There is NO POINT in forcing the honors students to sit through an hour of the teacher struggling to maintain control of the "basic" course enrollees. Maybe AP is looking more viable. <>

DD's comments thus far:

a) "This is insulting."

b) "Uhhhh WOW. I get that there are freshman in this class... but in my opinion, this isn't even 'basic' level. This is-- '6th grade' level expectations."

c) "That was NOT a lot of information."

d) (Hands clasped on face) "Get. me. out. of here...." (This after yet another completely off-topic, irrelevent question)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.