Originally Posted by mgl
I'm certainly glad the extremely athletically gifted 3rd grade boy is good natured about playing on teams with my boys and showing them how to do things, the queen bee 2nd grade girl was happy to hold my boy's hand and help him navigate social experiences, and that there are whole groups of pretty intellectually normal (or delayed) kids who look out for other kids in ways other than academically within a school environment.

WOW! GREAT school atmosphere, whoever is responsible for promoting that, excellent job. That makes me just about tear up...(probably just the early saturday afternoon beer.)

But to answer the original question, what else is bad but not obvious about having one's gt child in a largely nd classroom....her constant need to define things in great detail, including and especially rules about playing, etc., can make it difficult for her to connect with some of her fellow students. (that social one is sort of obvious, but still, my daughter is a serious social butterfly and still has issues overwhelming people).