Originally Posted by CCN
Originally Posted by knute974
Our other big challenge in the regular class was that DD was a chameleon. The teacher thought that DD was a typical kid. She could blend in at will. The teacher never asked "more" of DD. If she sat there quietly doing her work, then life was good. Since she wasn't a problem, her teacher could ignore her. Her teacher didn't even think that DD should test for the district GT program. When her teacher saw DD's results, she was blown away.

This is my DD. sigh.

Yep, we had this problem too. DS didn't want to stand out, which meant he wouldn't speak up in class. In kindy conferences this came out as "I think your DS has delayed language development" and "I asked him questions I thought he would know, to differentiate during class time, and he didn't answer". DS has always been EXTREMELY verbal and his use of language was what blew people away -- outside of school, that is.

Because DS didn't want to stand out, he also didn't really like the occasional pullouts where he would get more appropriate curriculum. In 2nd grade, would also sneakily pick books below his level, so he could read quickly, flip the book over and pretend to read it, then spend his time watching the kids who liked to misbehave - he thought this was highly entertaining. He would tell us about this, so we were able to pass it along to the teacher, who never would have noticed.

Another problem is that, even though he was friendly with everyone, it took DS a long time to connect with the kids in the regular classroom, so he would do his own thing at recess much of the time until a couple of the kids finally became interested and joined him. When he switched to a FT GT program, he made friends very quickly.

I know you asked about less obvious issues, but the BIG issues were pace and level, which had the overall effect of making our kid dislike school. Even though DS skipped first, the material in 2nd wasn't enough, and the pace of everything in the regular classroom was much too slow.