As I've said elsewhere on this board, we've not applied to DYS for either of my girls so I am no expert, but my gut feel would be that the scores you have won't qualify. I understand the frustration of wildly varying scores as we've seen stuff like that with both of my kids but I think that they are looking more for kids who have those 99.9 on an entire subtest not just pieces of subtests.

I've always been up the air as to how to define kids like that. I have one who, despite 99.9th GAI and close VCI scores, over time I've come to realize is probably more HG than EG or PG. With scores in the range you've got, I'd either think MG with some significant asynchronicity or possibly HG or more with a 2e issue.

FWIW, I don't think that the publisher of the WISC supports stating the indices are not interpretable due to scatter although I agree that the numbers are suspect. We got VCI and PRI scores for both of my girls (even from places like the GDC) despite scores that ranged from 8-19++ within one index (PRI for one of them). I'd want to know what those numbers are even if they aren't as meaningful.

eta: Since I see that I cross posted with the above poster. My one with the 8-19++ PRI scores has, over time, really shown herself not to be a 2e kid. She's a recent 14 y/o 10th grader (grade skipped) and, although her processing speed does continue to be a weaker area for her (block design was her 8 and she had much lower processing speed than the other indices), she's a very good student who is keeping up with kids who are 1-2 yrs older than she in AP and other accelerated courses. I define her as deep not fast and anxiety as well as a graduate student tester who was less experienced probably impacted her more than a 2e issue at seven. My other one, OTOH, has clearly come out as 2e over time. Point being, I wouldn't assume that it has to be 2e, just that it could be.

Last edited by Cricket2; 09/06/12 05:38 AM.