Originally Posted by bronalex
He did the computer test for ADHD (CPT-2) and did worse as time went on (slower, less accurate). He also didn't handle long pauses in activity when there was nothing to do (like when the tester was writing down his responses on the Roberts-2 test).

Since he did OK with the WMI, it may be that he can hold his attention for awhile (which is what we observe all the time with him when he gets interested in something).

But I feel like overall he gets along pretty well and he doesn't seem to have attention problems all the time (like I think ADHD kids tend to have but I don't know really know...)

He sounds very similar to my DS8 when he was tested at 7.

From what I'm learning, 6.5 yrs can be too young to differential between ADHD and giftedness. My DS was diagnosed at 7 with having severe ADHD combined type by the psychologist (who is very competent in certain areas, but admitted herself that DS was difficult to test and that we should take the results with a grain of salt). Meanwhile our pediatrician was baffled by the ADHD diagnosis and insists that DS is very different from the countless ADHD kids she sees.

Anyway. I contacted SENG for advice. I was told that gifted kids often have prefrontal cortex developmental delays (that catch up later) that mimic ADHD and misdiagnoses are more common before the age of eight.

I wouldn't ignore the ADHD idea completely, but certainly take it with a grain of salt, and let some time pass for your DS to grow and develop.