Thanks Cricket. That is helpful. Do you know if the FSIQ is comparable to the Total Achievement number (which was 143) - are they both considered an "IQ score"? They are so different so I am not sure what to make of that still. I was expecting to see scores on the WISC-IV like he got on the WJ.

I have more WJ subtest scores but was only listing those related to fluency which the other poster was talking about. Here are the rest:

Letter-Word ID 141
Story Recall 115
Understanding Directions 118
Spelling 146
Passage Comprehension 145
Applied Problems 141
Story Recall Delayed 114
Reading fluency 128
Math fluency 112
Writing fluency 128
Calculation 162

Reading fluency is "speed of reading sentences and answering yes or no to each" (I looked up what the tests were myself)

He seems to have issue with the speed tests and recalling things verbally (although I supposed 115 isn't really a "problem" but it's low for him...). We have noticed that sometimes when he is trying to explain things he gets "stuck" and it takes him a second to get the right word out. It doesn't happen all the time so I'm not sure if that is considered a stutter or not (he doesn't sound like what I think of when I think of stuttering...). Maybe that is related to all of this.

I guess we are at the point of deciding do we pursue more testing/evaluation now or wait until he matures a little bit? We know where he has some weaknesses which will be helpful in the meantime I guess.

Mom to 2 kiddos - DS 9 with SPD and visual processing issues and DD 6 who is NT