Originally Posted by Isaiah09
Thanks for all of your responses. I am going to be very careful with how I take what the psychiatrist says. I don't know if I should go in telling all of my concerns because this could lead the doctor down a path that maybe he/she wouldn't have taken. I would rather just let the doctor evaluate my son and see what he/she thinks. I have my own concerns but I really don't think he is autisic..I'm not sure though since it is a spectrum disorder.

My suggestion is to clearly put all the information you have in front of the doc /evaluator. I think misdisgnosis tends to occur when a clinician observes something in-office and assumes this is characteristic of a child's normal pattern of behavior. In reality, kids present all kinds of atypical things in my office (sit as if a statue, avoid eye contact, cling to their parent, get really silly, roll on the floor...). Often these behaviors are NORMAL anxiety responses
to a stressful situation.

Last edited by Evemomma; 08/31/12 12:42 PM.