I am going to try and answer all of the questions here. I am sure that my son is gifted due to is rapid development, especially in the area of language, however I have had concerns that he also has a disability as well. Mainly because he strongly resists change and reacts in dramatic temper tantrums anytime things don't go exactly his way. He also does not socialize with his peers at daycare.

He is very social and outgoing with older childre and adults, has a great sense of humor, and enjoys make believe play. I do have concerns about him being mildly autisic or having Aspberger's. I believe his pediatrcian does as well and this is why he is sending him for a neuropsych evaluation.

His pediatrician specifically said he has high IQ/Savant abilities especially in the area of language and that he is considering him a non autisic savant at this time but he is no expert. He said this is why he is sending him for a neuropsych to gage his abilities and/or any disabilities. By this statement he obviously is concerned autism is a possibility and so am I. If I was not concerned I'd have him tested older, just for placement in school.

Last edited by Isaiah09; 08/29/12 06:00 AM.